Personnel Basket is produced and manufactured in our factory in Ankara to be used in tower cranes working cranes, construction sites, constructions, open field assemblies etc. Personnel basket attachment is produced in line with your requests in accordance with your machine.
Human Transport Basket is a transfer platform used with tower crane especially designed for fire, sea, air and debris recovery works. The Human Transport Baskets are produced in high standards by Galen Group which provides quick solution and rescue possibilities with easy and fast way of taking the injuries and safe porting in all kinds of work and hard conditions, and easy access to the untranslated places of high-rise buildings.
Human Transport Baskets can be produced by our company which manufactures and develops business safety products in sizes to meet every project need. Human Transport Baskets can be used as an Emergency Stretcher Rescue Basket by installing tower vincine baskets in emergency situations such as paint on high-rise building walls, bulb replacement, human transportation, cargo transportation, electricity repair, pipe installation, glass cleaning, first aid and health institutions. The Human Transport Baskets are produced as a safe product that every firm with a tower crane can use.
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Human Transport Basket

Human Transport Basket

Human Transport Basket

Human Transport Basket

Human Transport Basket

Sandvik Boom
Sandvik Boom is a two-boom, electro-hydraulic jumbo designed for fast and accurate drilling in tunneling and cavern excavation. Sandvik Boom is a powerful drill rig with added automatic functions and optional instrumentation to maximize productivity and ensure high-quality excavation. It drills holes with a diameter of 43 to 64 millimeters (1 ¾ to 2 ½ inches) with a depth of up to 6.2 meters (20 feet).
Coil Lift Tong
Coil Tong, coil lifting and carrying is the hardest thing for the businesses that make plate sheet business, coil cutting and manufacture plate sheets. Coil Tong is designed to lift the coils horizontally. The joints are firmly designed for heavy duty applications to meet the heavy demands
Mixer Attachments For Bachoe Loader
Concrete Mixer Attachments,Concrete mixing, Gravel Cement Special Twinsaft Mixer Type Bearing Changeable Mixer Blades Hardox Front Bucket Mouth 50 m3 concrete per day Reciprocating Rear Bucket Emptying Pressure Regulating Valve Shock Absorber Front Grill cover-Easy Cleaning Minimizes operating costs.